A 1943 Built Piper J3C-65 Cub Crashes Into The Meadow , After Losing A Piece Of Its Right Wing To A Tree , In Netherlands !

A 1943  built  Piper J3C-65 Cub  crashes into the meadow ,  after  losing  a  piece of  its right wing  to  a  tree , in Netherlands  !

A 1943 built Piper J3C-65 Cub crashes into the meadow , after losing a piece of its right wing to a tree , in Netherlands !

The 62-year-old man from Wageningen walked into the ambulance by himself , after his 1943  built  Piper J3C-65 Cub aircraft crashed into the meadow at around  04.30 PM  Today.


The yellow sports aircraft crash landed on the field after it lost a piece of its right wing by hitting a tree, in  Epse near Deventer of  Netherlands.


Fire brigade came  into action as a precautionary measure, because of the fuel leak from the aircraft , after the crash.





The  aircraft  registered  NC50601 belonged to Egmond Aircraft LLC  at Teuge Airport , Netherlands .



Cause and circumstances of the accident are yet to be found out , however , it seems to be case of  lost control .


Security officials are investigating the accident , and ther area has been cordoned off .


Credit :  112-overijssel


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