After 10 years , the Plan has become a reality - the third Runway or name it as the new North Runway (07L/25R) of the Three-runway System (3RS) came alive in the early hours of 8th July 2022 , at Hong Kong International Airport.
Cathay Pacific Airways's Boeing 747-467F ( Regd. B-LIF) freighter became the first commercial aircraft to land on Hong Kong's 3,800-metre-long and 60-metre-wide Third Runway.
This morning, our #ThirdRunway welcomed its first two flights! Let’s take a look at the landings from this morning, and last night's preparation works!#hkia #hkairport #hongkongairport #hkg #airport pic.twitter.com/CvhZBLbz3T
— HKIA (@hkairport) July 8, 2022
In March 2012 , the Hong Kong Government approved in principle that the option of expanding into a 3RS be adopted as the future development option for HKIA for planning purpose.
The Airport Authority Hong Kong (“AAHK”) was asked to proceed with the related planning work , which included the statutory environmental impact assessment, the associated design details, and the financial arrangement of the project.
The Executive Council affirmed the need for the 3RS project at HKIA on 17 March 2015 . Thereafter, AAHK had been actively taking forward the project for completion on time, which they have been successful till date.
The construction of 3RS , which commenced in August 2016 , comprised different components for development , including
Based on AAHK’s original estimates , the 3RS project was expected to cost around HK$141.5 billion in money-of-the-day prices. AAHK had planned to fund the project through three distinct sources :
► Retaining AAHK’s operating surplus (HK$47 billion) ;
► Levying an Airport Construction Fee (“ACF”) (HK$26 billion) ; and
► Borrowing / raising funds from the market (HK$69 billion) .
On 21 April 2022 , AAHK announced that the flight check of the Third Runway has been satisfactorily completed in April 2022 and that the global aviation community was informed that the Third Runway (07L/25R) at HKIA was ready for commencing operation.
The flight check on the Third Runway has been completed recently! Check out the video to see it all in action! ????#hkia #hkg #hongkongairport #hkairport #HKIA3RS #avgeek #planespotting pic.twitter.com/6S5MF7Ww2b
— HKIA (@hkairport) April 21, 2022
AAHK and the Civil Aviation Department were working closely together on other preparation work , including statutory procedures, drills and exercises for the commissioning of the Third Runway.
We successfully completed an aircraft crash and rescue exercise in preparation for the commissioning of the #ThirdRunway. Let’s take a look at how different teams worked together in the crash exercise!#hkia #hkairport #hongkongairport #hkg #airport pic.twitter.com/FEkeuBp9Da
— HKIA (@hkairport) May 25, 2022
According to initial plan of the AAHK , the construction works would take around eight years to complete . The commissioning of the Third Runway was scheduled for 2022, which is a reality now, as of Today !
Henceforth , the existing North Runway would be closed for reconfiguration. The full commissioning of 3RS has been targeted in 2024.
Source : Airport Authority Hong Kong (“AAHK”).