No , It's Not Ours ! Sold B747 Aircraft , Seized In Argentina Was Owned By Venezuela And Does Not Belong To The Iranian Mahan Airline , Says The Carrier.

No ,  it's  not  Ours  !  Sold  B747  aircraft  , seized  in  Argentina  was  owned  by  Venezuela  and  does  not  belong  to  the  Iranian  Mahan airline ,  says  the  Carrier.

No , it's not Ours ! Sold B747 aircraft , seized in Argentina was owned by Venezuela and does not belong to the Iranian Mahan airline , says the Carrier.

Old Registration was Blacklisted ! 


Confusion seems to have brewed with the detention of this Boeing B747-3B3M , whose previous registration EP-MND under Iranian Mahan Airlines had been blacklisted by the US Department of Treasury 11 years back.


Change of ownership of the aircraft has taken place within an year , and the Current registration 'YV3531' belongs to 'Emtrasur Cargo' , created in November 2021 - a subsidiary of Conviasa of  Venezuela.


Earlier Livery and Registration of the Aircraft , Courtesy : AirHistory.Net 


Now , after much of media noise , due to Argentina seizing a Venezuelan-flagged cargo plane at the Buenos Aires Airport and detained its crew , Iran's leading private airline on Sunday denied reports that the aircraft belonged to it.


In a statement , Mahan Airlines said the plane seized in Argentina was owned by Venezuela and had nothing to do with the Iranian airline.


Iran’s state media claims that the Boeing 747-300 (YV3531) cargo aircraft formerly of sanctioned Mahan air that was sold to the Venezuelan government and is used by Emtrasur has been impounded in Argentina.


A Venezuelan-flagged Boeing 747, allegedly owned by Iran's Mahan Air, was reportedly seized by Argentinian civil aviation authorities immediately after arrival at the Ezeiza International Airport on Saturday.


The incident had a coincidence with the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s visit to Tehran , the cargo aircraft blacklisted by the US was impounded and the five-member crew were detained at the airport.


Regd. Delivery Date Airline/Operator
F-GETA 30 / 01/ 1986 UTA
F-GETA  29/12/1992 Air France
EK-74713  01/09/2007 Mahan Air
EP-MND  18/04/2009 Mahan Air
YV3531  23/01/2022 Emtrasur Cargo

                           Registration History of Boeing 747-300 (YV3531).


Argentina's Security Minister Fernandez Anibal took to the social media to comment on the incident , linking the seized plane to Iran's Mahan Airlines and saying the five detained men carried Iranian passports.


Reports in the Argentinian media said , the plane had been leased by Venezuela's state-owned Konviasa Airlines . Some reports even linked the detained crew to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).


Mahan Airlines , however, dismissed the reports and said the ownership of the plane had been transferred to a Venezuelan company for a year and was not leased.


Though there is a noise around the involvement of the Iranian Crew , Mahan Airlines says , "the flight crew belonged to Venezuela and had nothing to do with Mahan Airlines". The statement further said the seizure of the plane had "political motives.”


Earlier, the US had claimed Iran has used Mahan Air for shipments to Venezuela to boost energy production for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government.


Sanctions are not new , Iranian Mahan Air had been placed on a sanctions list by the US Department of Treasury , linking it to IRGC's Quds Force , in October 2011.




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