Mortal  Remains  Of  A  Stowaway  Found  Inside  The  Wheel  Well  Of  An  Aircraft  At  Schiphol Airport  , Amsterdam Today !

Mortal  Remains  of  a  Stowaway  found  inside  the  wheel  well  of  an  Aircraft  at  Schiphol Airport  , Amsterdam Today !

Mortal  Remains  of  a  Stowaway  found  inside  the  wheel  well  of  an  Aircraft  at  Schiphol Airport  , Amsterdam Today !

Stowaway Dead body inside the Wheel well !


The dead body of a stowaway has been found in the aircraft's wheel well after the man hid there for a six-hour flight from Nigeria to Amsterdam before dying of hypothermia.

A man's dead body has been found by police inside the wheel well of an aircraft, that landed at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam from Nigeria.

 Royal  Netherlands  Marechaussee ( Koninklijke Marechaussee) Authorities tweeted that they are still investigating the man's identity and cause of death.






Hypothermia is believed to be the cause of the death as the man remained hidden inside an unpressurised area of the aircraft for 6 hours and 45 minutes as the aircraft  flew from Lagos, the Nigerian capital to the Netherlands. 

A spokesperson for the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee told AD: "The man had holed up in the wheel arch of the plane. The low temperatures have presumably been fatal to him during the flight."


Other Stowaway Stories !


This is not the first time , a stowaway body was found inside a wheel well. The unfortunate act is seen to be repeated till date, as recent as today.




Infact , in the year 2018 - 11th February, the  body of a stowaway was found in a Kenya Airways Flight from Kinshasa when the plane landed. It was believed that the stowaway might have frozen to death. 


Pictures For representation only.


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