Monterrey-Del Norte International Airport in Nuevo León Will Be Under Control Of Ministry Of National Defense (Sedena) Of Mexico.

Monterrey-Del Norte International Airport in Nuevo León will be under control of Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) of Mexico.

Monterrey-Del Norte International Airport in Nuevo León will be under control of Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) of Mexico.

The administration, operation and further Development of the Monterrey-Del Norte International Airport (NTR/MMAN) will be done by a company coordinated by the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) of Maxico.


According to a publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), the Olmeca-Maya-Mexica Airport, Railway, Auxiliary and Related Services Group was assigned to the tasks of the private airport, located on the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway, in the municipalities of Apodaca and Ciénega de Flores.



In Brief.... 

  • The Mexican federal government assigned, through the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), the Monterrey-Del Norte International Airport, to the military business group called Olmeca-Maya Mexica.
  • The assignment published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) establishes that the military business group will be able to “manage, operate, exploit and, where appropriate, build the Monterrey-Del Norte International Airport, located on the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo Highway, in the municipalities of Apodaca and Ciénega de Flores, State of Nuevo León.”
  • According to the media, the company is already in charge of airports located in entities such as Nogales, Nuevo Laredo, Tamún, Campeche, Palenque, Tulum, among others.
  • Olmeca-Maya Mexica has a majority state participation, with 99% owned by Sedena and 1% by the National Bank of the Army, Air Force and Navy.


In the decree published on Tuesday, the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) reported that "real estate and facilities intended for the provision of fuel-related services are not included in this allocation."



The document also states that the civil aerodrome will be classified as an International Airport

"According to the project presented and once the Master Development Program has been approved, the civil aerodrome will be classified as an International Airport, with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) reference code '3B', International Classification, Rescue and Fire Extinguishing Service (SSEI), Category '6' in adequate weather conditions, with operations during day and night hours," the publication states.


  • The North International Airport is a private aviation facility, which operates regularly and provides aircraft shelter and maintenance services in that region of the country.
  • The assignment details that its validity is for an indefinite period, which gives the army absolute control without time limits.
  • This has happened with another dozen air ports in the country, which have been transferred by the federal administration in favor of military control.


The company that will control the Monterrey-Del Norte International Airport has a majority state stake, 99% owned by Sedena and 1% by the National Bank of the Army, Air Force and Navy.


Currently, the North Airport only operates private, non-commercial flights, a service that it will be able to continue providing according to the decree.


"It shall provide airport, complementary and commercial services in a permanent, uniform, regular and non-discriminatory manner, to all users of the airport, including concessionaires, assignees and permittees of national and international scheduled air transport service, national and international non-scheduled air transport service, air services to third parties and aircraft operations for private use that so require", of the document.


The term of the assignment is indefinite and may end when it is proven that it is no longer useful, of public or general interest, social interest to be safeguarded, or for reasons of national security.



The loan agreement between the government of Nuevo León and the Olmeca-Maya-Mexica Airport, Railway and Auxiliary and Related Services Group, covers an area of 190,957.46 square meters, which makes it possible to allocate the land to administration, operation, exploitation, and, where appropriate, construction.


As per the provosions of assignment, the start of operations will be notified to Sedena when the airport and complementary services required according to the classification and category have been complied with.


The appointment of the airport administrator must be notified within five days of the effective date of the assignment.


With this decision of the Mexican Government, Nuevo León will have two international-commercial airports, thus seeking to complement the services offered by the current Monterrey International Airport (MTY/MMMY) and promote airport development in the region.


Pictures Courtesy : Monterrey-Del Norte International Airport

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