In October 2018, EASA had issued a Conflict Zone Information Bulletin CZIB No.: 2017-05R3 to highlight and warn operators of the probable risk of overflight below FL 250 as high, in the Somalia airspace controlled by Mogadishu FIR.
The CZIB was an outcome of the hazardous situation in the region, with the presence of terrorist organisations with confirmed anti-aviation weaponry, possibly MANPADS (man-portable air-defence systems) and ongoing military operations.
Now, a new problem is arising ,as recently, at least 10 such reports have come out, where aircraft within the Mogadishu Flight Information Region (FIR) were contacted by a ‘fake controller’ on the same frequency, issuing conflicting instructions.
For a specific instance, a concerning security incident unfolded during a flight operated by Israeli airline El Al from Thailand to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv.
In most of the situations, Crews have been issued climb and descent clearances that are not from the sector controller. Incidents have been reported mostly in the northern part of Mogadishu airspace.
In a previous occasion, Somali Civil Aviation Authority had said that the country's airspace is under the control of the federal government.
"Our country's airspace has had a longstanding designation since the 1960s: the "MOGADISHU FLIGHT INFORMATION REGION (FIR)."
"The planes that fly in our country receive one of the highest levels of safety services in the world, resulting in Somalia's airspace being internationally recognized as "Class-A Airspace," the agency added.
The 'Mogadishu FIR' Under Control Of Somalia.
Hebrew channel "Kan" reports that hostile entities allegedly made an attempt to seize control of the aircraft's communication system and divert its course to an alternate destination. The plane managed to land safely in Tel Aviv despite the ordeal.
The channel further added that the issue isn't just hitting the israeli El Al flights; it's causing problems for all israeli planes passing through Red sea.
Some other sources in Somalia say that a group in the de-facto state Somaliland, which recently signed an agreement with Ethiopia, is responsible for the attempted attack.
However, it's becoming clear that the situation has links to the political dispute between Somaliland and Somalia, two different countries (territories), though the former does not have international recognition. Both countries now claim authority over the Mogadishu FIR.
Somalia accuses Somaliland of "jamming" air traffic communication in Mogadishu FIR.
During this particular incident, instructions were given to the cockpit that were different from their set route, raising concerns that someone was trying to damage the plane or lead it to dangerous areas, maybe even to conduct a kidnapping.
The crew disobeyed the instructions and quickly switched to alternative means of communication while also checking the data against other air traffic controllers and realizing that they were being misled.
In Somalia, there have been communication interruptions all week, not only for El Al planes, and the official authorities have issued instructions to all pilots that as soon as this happens with a certain frequency, not to listen to the instructions and to switch to another communication method.
A statement at El Al stressed that
"The disturbances are not aimed at El Al planes and that this is not a security incident. The disruption did not affect the normal course of the flight thanks to the professionalism of the pilots who used the alternative means of communication and allowed the flight to continue on the planned route."
The background to the situation is an escalating political dispute between Somaliland and Somalia. Somaliland has been an independent country since 1991, but without international recognition. Somaliland has to date maintained control over its airports, but Somalia controls the upper airspace from Mogadishu.
Looking into few recent developments in the region, some conclusions can be drawn as : In January 2024, Ethiopia signed an agreement with Somaliland, that was basically exchanging port rights on the Red Sea for recognition of their country.
However, Somalia was not happy about the development , and in response, started restricting movements into Somaliland by way of denying airspace entry to the Mogadishu FIR in some cases. In retaliation, Somaliland declared its right to exercise control over their airspace, conflicting to the Mogadishu FIR.
At present, the recognized authority over the entire Mogadishu FIR is that of the Somalia , i.e. the Mogadishu Control. They bear the responsibility to control, and provide ATS services in the Upper FIR.
The pseudo secondary transmissions coming from Hargeisa in Somaliland is creating chaotic sistuation and is aimed at create confusion, rather than presenting themselves as “Hargeisa Control” or “Somaliland Control”, as a competitive FIC.