London Luton Airport (LLA) Has Been Awarded The Covid-19 Certification By The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) .

London Luton Airport (LLA) has been awarded the Covid-19 certification by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) .

London Luton Airport (LLA) has been awarded the Covid-19 certification by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) .

Covid-19 certification by the UK-CAA 


UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Public Health England has awarded London Luton Airport (LLA) with the Covid-19 certification for the implementation of safety measures in the Airport premises, keeping an eye on safe air travel.  


The recent certification is a testimony on how the hub has met global health standards set out by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) pertaining to current Crisis due to Pandemic.  


The implemented measures not only make the Airport a safe gateway for Air travel, it has highlighted the safety requirements of the Airport and associated Aviation staffs as well. 


Interestingly , LLA was the first UK airport to be awarded certification from the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Health Accreditation programme.


The Several safety measures implemented across the airport include:

  • Face Mask - The mandatory use of face masks in the airport.
  • Cleaning - Enhanced cleaning and disinfection across the terminal.
  • Testing - Regular surface testing.
  • Sanitization - Installation of hand sanitiser units across the airport.
  • Automation - Use of autonomous robotics to clean and sanitise.
  • Protective barriers - Installation of protective screens at customer service points such as check-in.
  • Awareness - Installation of floor markings, clear signage, and regular public announcements.



Even though UK has relaxed the norms of Covid-19  Restrictions across the country, LLA vows to maintain the safety measures in the Airport to avoid the said infection.


Neil Thompson, operations director at LLA said:


“The safety of passengers and staff has always been our priority. Achieving this accreditation from our regulator and Public Health England is a testament to that, and to the hard work our team throughout the pandemic.


"Alongside our Airport Health Accreditation from ACI, passengers can have confidence that travelling through LLA is as safe as possible.”


Pictures : London Luton Airport .


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