For The First Time Since 1951 , Israeli Government Has Approved The Aviation Agreement Recently Made With Türkiye !

For the first time since 1951 , Israeli Government has approved the aviation agreement recently made with Türkiye !

For the first time since 1951 , Israeli Government has approved the aviation agreement recently made with Türkiye !

Following PM Lapid's visit to Ankara , in July 22 , Israel and Turkey had signed an aviation agreement to bolster bilateral airline traffic in their first aviation deal since the '50s.


The civil aviation authorities of the two countries had signed a new aviation agreement to update the bilateral accord that dates to 1951, paving the way for the resumption of Israeli flights to Turkey after an interruption of more than a decade.


Now, the latest news is — the Israeli Cabinet has approved the aviation agreement , that is one of the visible steps taken as part of the normalization of relations , which is going to enable the Israeli airlines to resume flights to Türkiye after a 15-year absence.


Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid took it to the social media and said that the agreement would benefit Israeli citizens and improve relations between the two countries.


“Today we approved an agreement in the government to establish aviation links between Turkey and Israel. Israeli airlines will be able to take off from Istanbul and other points in Turkey from now on,” he tweeted.


Above all, the agreement will benefit the Israeli passenger and Israeli aviation. Also, this is an important strategic move for stability and prosperity in the region, which will be a significant contribution to the advancement of relations between the two countries. The next step is appointing ambassadors. I thank the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,@AlonUshpiz and the Minister of Transport, @MeravMichaeli  for their hard work.


Israel and Türkiye on July 7th signed a bilateral civil aviation agreement , their first since 1951 , and after 'El Al' had stopped its flights to Turkey in 2007, citing security as a concern.



The reopening of the air travel routes and economic attaché in Istanbul will affect about 1540 Israeli companies currently exporting to the Turkish market and help strengthen their business operations within this market.


The bonhomie and new period was marked by the visit of Israeli President Isaac Herzog and his meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara in March. 


Certainly , despite criticism from some segments , the agreement is part of the decision to expand and develop bilateral relations that was made by Prime Minister Lapid and Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu at their meetings in Jerusalem and Ankara.



“Aviation relations are a strategic tool for Israel’s economic development and of particular importance toward Israel's regional position,” Israeli Transport Minister Merav Michaeli said back in July.


Both the countries have begun the work on restoring their mutual diplomatic representation to the ambassador level , according to previous statements by Çavuşoğlu , and the current statement by the Prime Minister of Israel.


First Turkish warship in over a decade docks in Israel.


As per the officials and witnesses, a Turkish warship docked in Israel over the weekend for the first time since 2010 , amid improving ties between the two countries.




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