Bedfordshire, UK Based Cranfield University Welcomes the New Saab340B Flying Laboratory And Classroom.

Bedfordshire, UK based Cranfield University Welcomes the New Saab340B flying laboratory and classroom.

Bedfordshire, UK based Cranfield University Welcomes the New Saab340B flying laboratory and classroom.

Bedfordshire, UK based Cranfield University received a New Saab340B flying laboratory and classroom. It is the latest edition to the National Flying Laboratory Centre (NFLC) fleet at the University. 

  • National Flying Laboratory Centre (NFLC) – a unique national asset which provides a hands-on flying experience, along with flight deck simulators and industrial-scale gas turbine engine test facilities used for performance and diagnostic studies.

In order to comply UK Civil Aviation Authority’s requirements, Cranfield University re-registered the aircraft under UK registry. And , the New Saab aircraft got the registration number G-NFLB, which is again the Successor of G-NFLA , Jetstream 31 aircraft.

Graham Braithwaite, Head of Transport Systems and the Professor of Safety and Accident Investigation at Cranfield University took to the twitter and said,


One of the most exciting moments of my @CranfieldUni  career. The arrival of the new Saab340B flying laboratory and classroom. A few modification still to do but it’s here and about to do wonderful things.




The aircraft is replacing the existing Jetstream 31 and being larger, will allow for teaching and research with minimum reconfiguration. 


Cranfield University says,

Cranfield has been successfully fundraising to make the necessary modifications to the Saab aircraft, progressing towards a £3 million target, since April 2019. The fundraising is an opportunity for alumni and friends to sponsor an aircraft part ensuring that future generations of students and researchers can benefit from the facility.


The modifications will ensure the aircraft is upgraded from a standard commercial plane to a fully bespoke facility, with all the technical equipment necessary to ensure the testing of the boundaries of aviation. 

University expects, with this, Students will be able to undertake flight test engineer roles and benefit from a range of in-flight experiences.

The two former RAF pilots who work for NFLC are Rob Harrison, who has flown in Jaguar aircraft and Si Davies, who has flown the Tornado and is also a qualified Test Pilot.

Reportedly, both the pilots have successfully completed type rating training in a 340 simulator in Sweden in an extensive four-week programme.


Rob Harrison says,

“The Saab provides a significant increase in capability for NFLC and Cranfield University. It is a larger aircraft and will allow us to fly more students as part of their engineering and aerospace courses. It also allows us to carry out more research and industrial collaboration work.”


The University expects students who fly in the Saab will have improved interface between them and the aircraft. The flight data is captured and displayed on a computer tablet mounted into the headrest of the seat in front of the student.

The tablet will show information such as aircraft speed, engine performance, angle of attack and angle of sideslip. All of this information is used to analyse the aircraft performance and can validate the students’ theoretical studies.

Source : Cranfield University .


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