Armenia's Civil Aviation Committee (CAC) revealed on Monday that it has cancelled the air operator certificate of Fly Armenia Airways due to multiple non-conformance.
The CAC's Facebook post read that the decision has roots to the investigation into the mysterious missing of the airline's Boeing B737-300 aircraft last February 20.
CAC also noted that Fly Armenia Airways currently lacks a serviceable aircraft for its scheduled operations.
CAC said the investigation revealed a series of deficiencies threatening the safety of the flights and the results of the Committee's investigation will be presented to the National Security Service.
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Fly Armenia Airways made news in aviation circle, when Company's Boeing 737-300 went missing after undergoing overhaul in Tallinn (Estonia’s capital) and was supposed to fly to Ukraine for further maintenance actions, but the aircraft flew instead to Verna, Bulgaria before making an unauthorized landing at Tehran, Iran.
Fly Armenia involved the CAA and the law enforcement agencies of Armenia as well as the European Agency for Flight Safety (Eurocontrol) about the incident, treating this as an act of hijack.
After much confusions, the CAC cleared the air by saying, there were no passengers aboard the aircraft and the pilots were foreign citizens. After negotioations, Armenian and Iranian officials reached an agreement on the aircraft’s return to Armenia. To this effect, the National Security Service had initiated a criminal case treating the case as "airplane hijacking."
Fly Armenia Airways received the air operator certificate from the Civil Aviation Committee in the month of July 2020. The carrier operated flights to Russia, Europe and the Middle East with that and also planned to start flights to Los Angeles and Beijing.