Kyrgyz Republic is establishing the "State Civil Aviation Agency" under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of the Civil Aviation Department under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Kyrgyz Republic is working hard to improve the management system and ensure the development of civil aviation, increase the level of aviation services to the population within the country and on international routes, guided by Articles 66, 70 and 71 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov has signed the Decree of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the improvement of the civil aviation management system and measures to develop aviation communications in the Kyrgyz Republic."
Steps being taken under Priority listing of the tasks for improving the civil aviation management system and developing air traffic in the Kyrgyz Republic are :
► Provide in its structure structural units in charge of issues of development strategy, aviation service safety, and other necessary units provided for by international requirements for civil aviation authorities;
► Submit for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic:
► Within two weeks, a draft Regulation on the State Civil Aviation Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and a management scheme;
► Within two months, a draft Work Plan for the development of aviation communications in the Kyrgyz Republic, which provides for a radical territorial expansion of transportation within the country, including horizontal ones, between settlements in different regions (small aircraft), as well as international lines, both border, regional, intercountry, and and distant international destination;
► Within three months, drafts of necessary changes to the Air Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, other regulatory legal acts that ensure the implementation of new, expanded tasks for managing the functioning and development of civil aviation in the Kyrgyz Republic;
► Take the necessary measures, including negotiations with ICAO, the European Aviation Safety Agency, on the withdrawal of the Kyrgyz Republic from the "black list" of the European Union in accordance with the terms stipulated by the provisions of these organizations,
► Assisting the Kyrgyz Republic in the implementation of certification functions , supervision and training of aviation personnel.
While the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic shall transfer to the State Civil Aviation Agency with the appropriate staff, financial and logistical means, the State Civil Aviation Agency will be delgated for creation, abolition, reorganization of the subordinate state enterprise "Aviaservice" for independent certification in compliance with the Aviation Rules of the Kyrgyz Republic.