The Yemeni Government Grants Operating Permits To Three Carriers Including Bilqis Airlines.

The Yemeni Government Grants Operating Permits to Three Carriers Including Bilqis Airlines.

The Yemeni Government Grants Operating Permits to Three Carriers Including Bilqis Airlines.

  • Yemen's Civil Aviation Authority announced the reinstatement of Bilqis Airlines' license to resume flights next week, following a suspension in 2024.
  • The authority also granted new operating permits to Aden Airlines and Al-Baseeri Airlines, a move to enhance the competitiveness of the Yemeni aviation market and provide citizens with broader travel options while improving services and prices.


As per Yemen Government sources, Yemen's Civil Aviation, Meteorology and Transport Authority has granted new permits to three airlines, allowing them to operate flights to and from Yemen.


According to sources, the Yemeni Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority has reinstated the operating permit of Bilqis Airlines, allowing it to resume operations after a suspension due to problems and irregular procedures committed by the company earlier.


Rendering of the three Airlines in Yemen local media.


The company was suspended last year, 2024, by decision of the Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority.


The Authority seeks to support the competitiveness of the Yemeni aviation market and provide broader options for travelers. Licensed companies will begin operations in accordance with approved standards and regulations, ensuring safe and reliable services.


The sources indicated that new operating permits were also granted to Aden Airlines, a subsidiary of the Al-Qutaibi Investment and Commercial Group, and Al-Baseeri Airlines.


Sources indicated that Bilqis Airlines is expected to resume its flights starting next week, while arrangements are underway for the two organizing companies to operate flights into Yemeni airspace.


This move is expected to help ease pressure on existing airlines, improve the level of service provided, and boost travel to and from Yemen.


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