A lot has happened and have been discussed since Qatar was announced as the host of the event — the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 . Apart from other developments and efforts to gain co-operation from neighbouring GCC countries , Doha has been able to secure its own Flight Information Region (FIR) , just before the event , and it shows the readiness now.
Mohammed Faleh Al Hajri, the in charge of managing Civil Aviation Authority, says that the Authority's preparations for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 began from the moment it was announced that the State of Qatar is going to host this popular event, an unprecedented achievement in the Middle East.
About the readiness , he is very certain that the travel experience for visitors and fans of the World Cup shall be unique , that reflects the levels of distinguished services provided by the civil aviation system in the country and leaves a special impact during this exceptional tournament.
In an exclusive statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA), Al Hajri said that the past years witnessed the implementation of important and comprehensive development plans related to the Qatari airspace and in terms of regulating air navigation and to ensure the flow of air traffic at Qatari airports and in Qatari airspace.
He added that the Authority's Air Navigation Department has completed its preparations for the World Cup as well, coinciding with the 1st phase of the launch of Doha FIR/SRR Region, through which the Civil Aviation Authority will manage air navigation and provide navigational aids in the Qatari airspace, which was previously managed under an agreement with Bahrain.
The upgraded airspace project was also completed, which included many improvements that will lead to greater efficiency in air traffic management.
He explained that through the air traffic development project, the capacity was increased to about 100 air traffic per hour, adding that the upcoming and outgoing air routes to the State of Qatar became 17 separate paths, in order to achieve further movement flow and ensure further safety, as well as increase the aircraft holding areas in air, which are used during peak periods to arrange aircraft during landing, in preparation for the expected increase in traffic during the World Cup.
The modernization of all systems and technologies used in air navigation has also been completed. The landing and take-off procedures have been separated into two runways (Hamad International Airport HIA and Doha International Airport DIA) to increase the capacity for take-off and landing operations.
Al Hajri noted that the efficiency of take-off and landing operations increased, adding that the possibility of accommodating three landings and take-offs (simultaneously) has been reached, and an experiment was successfully conducted in the air traffic control simulator to ensure the effectiveness and safety of this system for operation.
An air traffic flow management device, the first of its kind in the Middle East, was installed. Air traffic controllers and all employees dealing with it were trained to use it efficiently, which helps controllers in arranging the arrival and departure of planes to and from Doha.
Additionally , neighboring countries have been provided with a website about the hours of departure from their countries, called SLOT Departure Time, which also contributes to the regularity of air traffic at peak times in preparation for this important event to ensure the provision of highly efficient and distinguished services that fit with the requirements of this major event, which will be an important milestone in the history of the entire region.
He stressed that the Authority is currently completing the last stages of preparations and training operations and conducting meetings and coordination with all relevant authorities to ensure the readiness of the civil aviation system and the integration of its activities to prepare for that important period in which the State of Qatar will witness large numbers of travelers and unprecedented air traffic that requires full preparation to accommodate this expected increase, ensure the safety of all flights, and provide great flow and flexibility in air traffic during the World Cup.
Al Hajri said that the Air Navigation Department has completed the development and testing of alternative operational emergency plans to ensure that there is no confusion in the management of air traffic during the tournament, explaining that all these efforts are to provide a unique travel experience for visitors and to familiarize the whole world with the great development the State of Qatar is witnessing in the civil aviation sector, as well as reflect the level of distinguished services provided by the civil aviation system in the country and leave a special impression during this exceptional tournament. (QNA).