After Three Years Of Wait , UK-CAA Frames The New Microlight Aeroplane Definition , Law Incorporated !

After Three years of wait , UK-CAA frames the New Microlight Aeroplane definition , Law incorporated !

After Three years of wait , UK-CAA frames the New Microlight Aeroplane definition , Law incorporated !

Amendment to the 'Microlight Aeroplane definition' by UK-CAA was driven by the 'will to reform' the microlight aeroplane market by raising the weight limit and stalling speed for single- and two-seat factory-built light aeroplanes eligible for national regulation under the Air Navigation Order 2016.

  • The new allowable limit for the Maximum Take-Off Mass (MTOM) to 600kg (650kg for amphibians or floatplanes),
  • The stalling or minimum steady flight speed in landing configuration is (VS0) to 45 knots.

UK Civil Aviation Authority released to press and public saying , The UK Civil Aviation Authority is pleased to announce the long-awaited revision of the UK Microlight Aeroplane definition.


Today, 19 August 2021, the new 600kg Microlight classification has been incorporated into law; a reform to the microlight market by raising the weight limit and stalling speed for single and factory built light aeroplanes with up to two seats eligible for national regulation under the Air Navigation Order (ANO) 2016, along with some consequential amendments such as to the Microlight Class Rating.


This decision culminates a three-year review and implementation process in partnership with the wider general aviation community. Through a working group, discussions were had with relevant associations, key manufacturers, and experts to explore various practical issues.



UK-CAA took a public consultation of their proposals in autumn 2019 and published CAP1920 detailing the results. The consultation returned 1,379 responses, the largest response rate to a general aviation consultation in recent years, of which an overwhelming 91% supported this endeavour, and over three-quarters favoured bringing these aeroplanes into the microlight category. 


Sophie-Louise O'Sullivan, Head of Head of General Aviation (GA) & Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) said,


“Our decision to revise the UK Microlight definition not only demonstrates our commitment to the Government's general aviation strategy set out in the Government's recent General Aviation Roadmap but also our commitment to listen and work with the wider UK GA community. This collaborative approach has resulted in an outcome we all support.”


In support of the ANO amendment bringing these aircraft into the scope of the Order, we have also published today a formal CAA Official Record Series (ORS) 4 General Exemption which removes the aircraft from the UK Basic Regulation.


In addition, UK-CAA has summarised and explained these changes and what they mean for the community in CAP2163: Reforming the microlight aeroplane category with further information on the CAA webpages.


What is New ?


Amateur built aircraft within this definition are already nationally regulated and certified to the Permit to Fly standard, although not currently called microlights. The significant change has been to include factory-built aircraft as UK regulated.

Geoff Weighell , CE BMAA ( British Microlight Aircraft Association) says ,


Today the change to the microlight definition becomes UK law after several years of discussion, negotiation and plain hard work.

The process has been very complex with much to consider including looking for potential unintended consequences of what on the face of it appears to be pretty straight forward. 


What are the types of microlight ?

  • Para Trikes (Powered Parachutes) : These category of Microlights have a 'parafoil'  or' 'ram-air canopy below which a suspended wheeled power unit carries the pilot and passenger.


  • Flexwing (Weight Shift) : These types of microlights features a delta wing similar to a hang glider with a 'trike' unit suspended underneath it.



  • Fixed wing or 3-Axis Type : These microlights are more like the conventional aeroplanes.  



Press release - UK-CAA , Pictures : Embeded.


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