The Russian Air Force received the seventh upgraded long-range radar detection and control aircraft A-50U (AEW&C). Apart from this , the transfer of another A-50U in 2022 has been announced.
A-50U is known in the West by the Nato codename "Mainstay". Beriev aircraft normally carry the Russian designation Be- followed by the number, however, the A-50 aircraft retained the well-known A-designation which Beriev allocated to the original prototype.
The A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft (AEW&C) was developed and manufactured by the Beriev Aircraft Research and Engineering Complex Joint Stock Company based at Taganrog in the Rostov Region of Russia.
The A-50 aircraft was developed from the llyushin IL-76MD military transport aircraft manufactured by the Ilyushin Aviation Complex Joint Stock Company based in Moscow.
The Current aircraft with onboard "number 43 -red" (registration number RF-50608, factory number 0093479377, serial number 60-05, built in 1987) was transferred on December 29, 2021.
The works were carried out by the Concern "Vega" and PJSC "Taganrozh Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G. M. Beriyev" (both part of the state corporation "Rostech").
The upgraded aircraft received a new flight navigation complex and modern electronics, which should ensure the detection of new types of air objects (in particular low-flying jets and helicopters), as well as more (up to 300) targets. In addition, due to the lower weight of the equipment, the time and range of the flight increased.
Apart from mission utility, the Ergonomics has also been improved , cabin has been equipped with resting places for operators and a Galley area.
The aircraft can be used for detection and maintenance of air and overhead targets, data transmission to automated command post control systems, control of extermination and attack aircraft, as well as serve as an air command post.
The A-50 was created on the basis of the IL-76 military transport aircraft. In service since 1989.
Modernization work in the A-50U version began in 2003. The test of the updated aircraft was completed in 2009 – factory aircraft – in July, erzhava – in November.
Based on the development and usage , the A-50 aircraft has four variants: A-50M, A-50U, A-50I and A-50E/I. The A-50M variant is an advanced version of the A-50 aircraft.
To modernize the aircraft , all the outdated analogue equipments of the A-50 have been replaced with digital electronics system to evolve the A-50M variant.
About the current discussed model , the A-50U is an updated Russian use variant, and it was created by modernising the element base of airborne radiotechnical complex, thereby reducing the total MTOW.
However, the A-50I is a variant specifically developed to meet the requirements of the Indian Air Force. It is additionally equipped with Israeli-made Phalcon radar. The variant, A-50E/I is an Israeli Phalcon radar export version.