The Transall C-160 has been retired from the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) as confirmed by Luftwaffe- The German Air Force , and the Successor will be Airbus made A400M from Air Transport Wing 62 (Lufttransportgeschwader 62) in Wunstorf.
December 2020 saw , the Luftwaffe had 15 Active C-160 Transalls, from a fleet that numbered up to 110 aircraft at the time of West Germany , but in the year 1971 , 20 of them were sold to Turkey, still active under Turkish Air Force.
Can be termed as a Veteran ,the C-160 remained in service more than 50 years after the type’s first flight in 1963. Powered by two Rolls-Royce Tyne engines, the aircraft was useful providing logistical support to multiple operations and has been instrumental in roles such as aerial refueling, electronic intelligence gathering, and also as a communications platform.
"Butterweich." Letzter Flug. Letzte Landung. Unser Engel der Lüfte, die C-160 Transall, verabschiedete sich heute vom Himmel über Deutschland. Wir sagen Danke für über 50 Jahre treue Dienste für die #Luftwaffe und die #BundeswehrimEinsatz. Morgen verabschieden wir uns vom #LTG63. pic.twitter.com/eSnwqjPWN7
— Team_Luftwaffe (@Team_Luftwaffe) December 14, 2021
Airbus handed over the last overhauled C-160 Transall to the German Air Force (Luftwaffe). And for that occasion German Air Force painted a special livery which paid a visit to Airbus military servicing centre in Manching.
Though retirement was planned six years before - in 2015, it has been postponed since then, initially to 2018 and atlast happened in 2021, primarily due to the delays with the Airbus A400M; which will fill in the gaps created by the current retirement.
The Transall C-160 is a military transport aircraft, produced as a joint venture between France and Germany. “Transall” is an abbreviation of the manufacturing consortium Transporter Allianz, comprising the companies of MBB, Aerospatiale, and VFW-Fokker.
Today I got to see the farewell flight of the German Air Force Transall C-160D. The type is being retired after countless years of service. Check out that awesome special livery! #AvGeek #Planespotting #Transall pic.twitter.com/9OmQmprXme
— RobertLN (@RobertLN_) April 20, 2021
The C-160 is powered by a pair of Rolls-Royce Tyne turboprop engines, which drives a pair of four-bladed Dowty Rotol propellers. Though termed as slow compared to 'C-130 Hercules' , advantages of the twin-engine configuration over four include reduced unit and production cost, lower weight and fuel consumption, simplified design and reliability.
It was initially developed to meet the requirements for a modern transport aircraft for the French and German Air Forces; export sales were also made to South Africa and to Turkey, as well as a small number to civilian operators.
► 93 troops or
► 61–88 paratroops or
► 62 stretchers.