On the 4th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) suspended the former captain (59) for 180 days of airline operations and another former captain (56) who served as a co-pilot, for 210 days for "trying to cover up the fact that they drank excessively on the day before boarding" in accordance with the Civil Aeronautics Act.Japan.
According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the two men were on board Japan Airlines Flight 774 (114 passengers and crew) from Melbourne to Narita from the morning of December 1 last year, but they drank alcohol in excess of the standards stipulated by the JAL flight regulations, such as ordering three bottles of wine until 4 p.m. the previous day.
Due to that, Japan Airlines' departure was delayed by more than three hours due to alcohol being detected in two people who were scheduled to board a flight from Australia to Narita Airport.
Even if alcohol was temporarily detected in the breath on the morning of the 1st, the amount of alcohol consumed was not properly reported to the flight management the previous night, and the amount of alcohol consumed was checked after the flight.
The former captain, who served as a co-pilot, was also considered to have had another drinking incident in the year 2018.
Regarding this problem, Japan Airlines received a recommendation from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to improve its operations, and on the 24th of last month, President Tottori submitted measures to prevent recurrence and apologized.
On the other hand, on the 4th, punishment was announced for eight executives involved, including a 30% salary reduction (two months) for Chairman Yuji Akasaka and President Mitsuko Tottori. The two pilots were disciplined by the company in December 2024 to dismiss their duties.
Mr. Akasaka will be dismissed from his position as the Chief Safety Officer, the Chief Safety Officer, and will be replaced by Yukio Nakagawa, Managing Executive Officer, whose responsibilities will be changed from General Manager of the Procurement Division to General Manager of the Safety Promotion Division.
At a press conference on the financial results held on the 4th, Vice President Yuji Saito, who was also dismissed, said,
"We have disposed of the officers involved based on the fact that they have damaged the concerns of society and customers, as well as the trust of the company."
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