Boeing 777X Program Delay Piled Up Many Shark Finned White Tails Parked One After Another At KPAE - Paine Field.

Boeing 777X program delay piled up many Shark finned white tails parked one after another at KPAE - Paine Field.

Boeing 777X program delay piled up many Shark finned white tails parked one after another at KPAE - Paine Field.

As Boeing 777X program is being delayed further due to Covid19 pandemic Travel market slump & lack of Long haul international flights,

we witness many Shark finned white tails parked one after another at KPAE - Paine Field.

However, B777X testing and certification process is still continuing as we had witnessed an engine drainage test on 4th of march.


on 4th March 21, Engine Drainage testing of B777X (N779XX/WH002) engines was carried out while flying out of Yuma.

Pics : Chris Lee  @propandkerosene (twitter).


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